It is important to understand how we analyse the search results pages, the actual SERPs. Google’s recent Quality Guidelines give us some insight into this. We learn they are tyring to get inside the user’s head so they can match his intention. Great quality content drives these search enquiries. Content strategy is important, and an excellent way to create good quality content is to run an event and then syndicate the content produced by the event out across the web.
Trying to match the user’s intention
If you’re looking for a particular search, let’s just say, Bourne Legacy, what website comes up on that first page? Is it relevant for what the person is actually searching for? Google goes through a process so that way they can weed out and filter out, even before someone gets to a website, are we serving up the right properties that help to match the user’s intention?
A great insight Google gives us in the recently released Quality Guidelines is they’re trying to get inside the user’s head to understand what their intention is. If I searched ‘apple’ and I typed that into Google, do I mean the computer company, do I mean the fruit, do I mean the person’s name or do I mean the city in Oklahoma?

Your website should be focused on what your target is looking for.
Google wants to learn about you
For the interpretation, Google is now trying to pull in a whole lot of data, everything that they can. That’s why they’re trying to get more and more people onto things like Google Plus and to use all of their different services so they can learn as much about you as possible. So when you type in ‘apple’ they can determine that the intention behind this search was the fruit. Ok, let’s serve up that relevant information. They have another rating scale and they’ll give them different search results to go and search and they’ll get them to rank them.
Getting inside the user’s head
It’s absolutely critical to make sure that you match the user’s intention. You need to get inside their head. You need to create content that helps answer their questions. That’s really what we’re seeing. Great quality content is what is driving these search queries.
Devising a content strategy
You need to think about what is your content strategy? How are you consistently creating content and doing it in a way that leverages what you are creating? Content creation can be time consuming but to start winning in Google, you need to be creating the highest quality content, preferably with the least amount of work.
It’s not enough to go over to something like Need An Article and try to get a low quality piece of content. With Google’s new Quality Guidelines and the way they’re assigning authoritativeness to a particular piece of content, if you’re assigning your name to something, and it’s low quality content, that’s going to lower your reputation. You need to be putting out the maximum quality content that you can.
Present – run an event
A good way to create content is to run a little event. You get together your prospects or your clients and you put them in a room, maybe in a surgery or out at a stable. It really depends on your business. Don’t get stuck into the idea that it needs to be a workshop, like a workshop you think of in a classroom. It’s really just about bringing together some people and putting on presentations or educating your clients and your target market about information that is important and relevant to them.
Product and promote – syndicate your content
Once you’ve tackled step one and run an event, you take the content, you chop it up into pieces and then you syndicate it out over the web. That’s really the heart of it. You then promote your product.
This process virtually takes someone from nowhere, not even being visible, not getting any sort of rankings or love from Google if someone has fallen out of love, and turns them into an industry leader in about four to five months if you follow the process. It depends on how quickly you can move.
The magic three Ps
The process is simple. There are three Ps to it. You present this high quality content and you batch all of that content creation up into one little workshop. You then turn that into a product which helps position you as an expert and an authority. Then you take that content and chop it up and syndicate it out across the web, which is how you promote it.
It doesn’t matter if you’re an online marketer or a locally based financial advisor or if you own a retail shop. Maybe you’ve invented some ingenious product, it doesn’t really matter. You can run a retail horse supply store, a print management company, have compiled a bridal advertising directory or sell nappy cakes. You may be a web designer or even be an SEO consultant. This methodology works in any industry.
The web is changing
You need to just start to realise that the web is changing and doing nothing is not an option. As Google Eric Schmidt from Google have said, if you don’t update what you’re doing, if you don’t build yourself up as an authority, in a year or two years’ time, you’ll be considered irrelevant in the eyes of Google. You’ll be dropped further into the index, you won’t get visibility. The question is, if you don’t do this, how much is it going to cost you? You need to get inside your searcher’s mind. Great content is the key to doing this.
Try creating some good content for your site by running an event, creating a product from the video of that even and then promote it by syndicating it out across the web. You won’t look back.
We can help analyse the search results pages for your business. We offer a ‘done for you’ SEO service. Check out our Authority Domination package. Click here.