What is content syndication and how will it help your business? It is an effective way of promoting your website through your contents. In this video, David Jenyns shares his tried and tested techniques on promoting his business online.
An effective content syndication strategy is not just building links, but also letting the world know what you’re doing. If you want to learn more ways of promoting your business online, visit Authority Content.
Video Transcript: What we want to do is set up our syndication. We’ve got all this good quality, rich content. We now need to think about taking this content and, even when we built the product phase, I talked about splitting out the audio and getting it transcribed and getting the video. All of these bits, these raw assets we’ve got, we’re now going to be able to repurpose.
The way that I like to think about it is, if you haven’t got a blog, you really need a blog. So step one is set up a blog. You want to look at social media, facebook, twitter, Google Plus, maybe LinkedIn. It depends on your niche. I’d say you really want to be operating in at least three social spaces. If you haven’t yet set up some social platforms, just pick out the ones that make the most sense for your business.
There might be some other ones as well: Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram. Instagram is good for some industries. Pinterest is really good for ecommerce business, particularly for things that are very visual. There are a lot of people and there is a lot of commercial intent behind searches on Pinterest. Just pick out the ones that make the most sense. Not everyone is going to make sense for you. Write the relevant ones down in your book. Think about where your market is and you want to be there with the right message, tailored to that particular platform.
Then YouTube, you know how I feel about YouTube. I love YouTube. We’ll also end up putting some YouTube here but we need to set up the platforms. Just list out on your sheet which platforms you need to play in with your social. Everybody needs a YouTube, everybody needs a blog, social might vary slightly. Then I would set up SlideShare, Docstoc and Visual.ly. You’re creating the content anyway and it’s very little effort to then take it and repost it. We’ll see how that all works when we move through the different platforms.
Then what you want to do is consider all of your social platforms and any of these profiles. We talked about all of the different platforms we’ll be looking at: Visual.ly, Pinterest and Instagram and so on. Just make them look really good. Fill out all of the relevant content you can. If there is the opportunity to link back to your website, link back to your website. If there is opportunity to link to other social accounts, link to other social accounts. You used to think about feeder sites and all that sort of thing but that is old SEO. We used to think, we don’t want to link them together because we don’t want Google to know these are all tied together. But this is a little bit different. Where we can, we want them all to leverage off each other. So take the time to go through and fill them out really well.
The ground rules for these are no matter what platform we’re working on, any of those platforms I talked about right at the start, the aim of the game for those platforms is to lead them back to your site. Again, I talked about this idea of the breadcrumbs leading you back to the cake. So really these platforms are almost like breadcrumbs all over the web. We want to make sure that we’re always leading them back to us. So when I create a video and I upload it to YouTube, I finish with a strong call to action. I have a link inside my description.
The aim of the game is I don’t want them playing on YouTube, I want them playing on my website. I’ll give them relevant content, but I want to make it easy for them to get back to me. You’re obviously linking back and you want to get engagement and click through and then some gentle optimization. What I mean is, when you’re posting content on some of these different platforms, in fact I even talk a little bit about what gentle optimization is, think about the user first. Don’t think about trying to shove a keyword in just for the sake of it or trying to put the link right up front. Sometimes you do it, sometimes you don’t, but if it takes away from the user interaction, then you’re going about it the wrong way.
Learn how you can use your own blog, Facebook, Twitter, G+, and YouTube accounts to promote your business online. Find out how Authority Content can help you.